Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Enjoy these photos a dear friend shared with me. Occasionally, she is greeted with this phenomenon: rainbow colors reflecting off the heavy cross sculpture displayed on an end table in her living room.

She's not sure why this happens or what time of day/year it occurs. She just smiles, as she sees it as a reminder from God:
  • I'm here.
  • I'm awesome.
  • My Presence is all around you.
Science would explain it as sunshine hitting a beveled window or mirror just right and deflecting in prism-like drops of moisture. Even that explanation is a phenomenon, because God is the creator of science. Isn't he amazing?

We all need rainbows because,

Life is tough.
The world is a mess.
The future looks frightening.

Take heart, blog readers. Look for "rainbows" that serve as reminders of God's existence. He's in charge and he loves you.

What might that look like?
  • An amazing sunrise or sunset
  • A child's laughter
  • An act of kindness
  • Funny animal antics
  • A hug from a friend or loved-one
A paraphrase from the book The Story (the whole Bible in readable form from the NIV translation) goes like this: "He [God] had rescued his people from slavery, showed them his power, guided their steps, given them his law and gifted them with his presence." (The Story, page 71)

Gifted them with his presence. We have that in today's unsettled world. We must look all around and take note.

And, as my friend says--

Rainbows are free!


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