Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Balcony People

A favorite author of mine from many years ago, is Joyce Landorf Heatherly. She is a gifted speaker, singer, and author. So many talents rolled into one person!

I especially enjoyed her novels on Biblical characters: Joseph and I Came to Love You Late (Martha). Her research and writing make these characters come alive. I can relate to them and their struggles when I see them through the eyes and expertise of this gifted writer.

What really resonates with me, however, is the term balcony people that she coins in some of her nonfiction books. She has written quite a bit about the balcony people in our lives--those who affirm us and encourage us.

Make a mental list of the balcony people who have influenced your life.
  • What was special about them?
  • How did they make you feel?
  • How did they affect your life?

Now think about people that you support, encourage, raise up, or praise. Hopefully, this second list is a long one.

Look around. Who in your sphere of influence needs to be lifted up? What can you do to help them?

Today, be a BALCONY PERSON..........the world needs you.

Click here for more titles from Joyce Landorf Heatherly:  Joyce Landorf

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