Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Civility & Righteous Living

My heart aches when I look at what we've become as a people. Civility and Righteous Living seem like old-fashioned, irrelevant concepts. Gone are the days when courtesy, politeness, kindness, and honesty ruled our private conversations and our public discourse.

We are not finding civility exemplified in:
  • our leaders
  • our politicians
  • our sports figures
  • our movie stars
  • others in visible positions

The ONLY way we will restore the Golden Rule to our society is through:

  • our homes
  • our schools
  • our places of worship

It must happen in our daily interactions with others. That means teaching respect and courtesy at our dinner tables, when we tuck children into bed each night, and when we demonstrate how to handle disagreements with respect. We must start treating one another with kindness on the highway, in the workplace, in the marketplace.

The Golden Rule is God's very best instruction for living lives of respect and kindness. It's what Jesus demonstrated.

It's up to us. Let's host a revival in our homes and communities--a revival of kindness.

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