Wednesday, November 28, 2018


"One of life's greatest assets at any age is a good teacher."
 Ann Zwemer in But Wait!...There's More (2018 WestBow Press)

Who taught you to...
  • Tie your shoes or brush your teeth
  • Write in cursive
  • Read
  • Clean a kitchen
  • Cook
  • Sew
  • Do wood-working
  • drive a car

? ? ? ? ?

I think about important people in my life when I make spaghetti sauce, set a lovely table, knit something, use word-processing on the computer, cook using certain recipes, edit my website, etc.

Whom do I think about? The friends and teachers who shared their expertise with me. Think about it:

If you teach someone something, you're in their head forever! 


It's usually positive, but not always:
  • My 7th grade Home Economics teacher (a witchy old woman!) comes to mind when I thread my sewing machine or set a dinner table, making sure the fork is on the left.
  • My mother's voice runs through my head if I forget to wipe off the kitchen counters or use a safety pin to hold up a torn hem.

Thankfully, it is mostly positive:
  • I remember the lovely friend (now 94) who shared her world-famous spaghetti sauce recipe with me and taught me how to make Banket, a Dutch pastry.
  • I hear my sister's voice from when she taught me how to knit during my holiday break from college
  • I'll never forget my department head at school who first introduced me to computers and all their mysteries. (Remember the old Apple II with floppy disks?)
  • More recently, I'm learning from my daughter who helps me update my website. (Visit my Website)

Think about it: Teach someone something and you've left a legacy.

This holiday season, consider sharing an instructional event with loved ones instead of a physical gift. It might not be possible, but it's something to consider. You'll have left a legacy.

Teach someone and you're in their head forever!


 (Note to a special friend: I think of you when I'm writing and I misuse the "&" or "etc." or forget to place a comma in a sentence with two clauses! You're in my head, P.G.!!!!)

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