Thursday, October 23, 2014

Grow in God's Classroom

     School, for some, brings up painful memories. For others, time spent in school was a delight. For a few, it may have been an escape from an embattled home life. I suppose the majority of students merely tolerate the whole idea of education. It is their job and they are expected to do their best.

     Be honest. What kind of a student were you?
Eager-beaver, Over-achiever
Reluctant Learner
Middle of the Row Silent Sam
Class Clown
Plodder-Diligent Worker
Do-just-enough-to-pass Pupil
Front Row Student
     The good news is we all are God's students and there is a special seat for each of us in his classroom. Best news of all, he is the Master Teacher. He meets us where we are and gently pulls us toward him--even if we're in the very back row, resisting his tug. The key is to be teachable. Are we willing to listen, trust, and learn?

     The Bible is God's textbook and has answers and advice on whatever a human being might need to know. How happy it makes me to turn to this book, the Word of God, for anything occurring in my life. Reading scripture, no matter what version or medium used--e-book, tablet, phone, wrist computer, eye glasses computer, or even a book with real pages--enriches lives.

     Are the lessons tough? You bet. Incredibly tough sometimes. Do they produce results? Yes, if I am attuned. Too often I must repeat the lessons until I finally get the message. The bottom line is God always will be involved in my life and I feel privileged he loves me enough to show me who he is.

Favorite Students

     During my career teaching high school English, my favorite student was the one who walked into the classroom on Day One and muttered, "I hate English!" I would smile, knowing that student was my target. If I could reach him or her, I would have the whole class in tow. Planning lessons to engage a reluctant student made for a fun classroom experience. It didn't always work but sometimes magic happened and when it did, angels clapped!

     You are one of God's favorite students. Stay teachable.

Next Post:  Identify YOUR Personal Learning Style


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