Thursday, February 19, 2015


Speaking of Bucket Lists (last two blog posts), let me share some news:

This week I am happy to announce the arrival of my first novel, Route to Survival. Publishing a novel has been on my personal Bucket List for many, many years--long before I started my 20-year teaching career. There was no time for my own writing when I was teaching high school English. Retirement offers opportunity for me to fulfill a dream that was put on the back burner long ago.

Route to Survival tells the story of Kate Mitchell, a woman who must find strength when all her support systems disappear--namely, her husband of 30 years and her upper middle-class lifestyle. Through Kate, the reader learns survival is possible by relying on God and making courageous choices. I hope the story appeals to both men and women.

The novel is published by WestBow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson-Zondervan, and is available in three formats:
  • Soft Cover
  • Hard Cover
  • E-Book

For more information, go to my website at or to

Thank you for letting me share some personal news. It's been a lot of work and quite a roller coaster ride to get this accomplished. I am now at the top of the ride and I'm enjoying the altitude.

I am a blessed woman.

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